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Posted 03/23/2023 in Research

Which States Don't Require a License to Braid Hair?

Which States Don't Require a License to Braid Hair?

Braiding is an ancient art that's been passed down from generation to generation. For many, it's a cultural tradition and a way of life. However, in several states, braiders are not allowed to legally practice without a cosmetology license. The good news is that not all states require a license to braid hair. In this blog post, we'll highlight the states that don't require a license for hair braiding.

Starting in the west, Arizona is one of the states that does not require a cosmetology license for hair braiding. For those looking to practice in the northeast, Connecticut, and Delaware also allow braiders to work without a license.

In the south, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Texas, Utah, and Virginia all have no licensing requirements for hair braiders. In the midwest, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Nebraska, and West Virginia are also on this list.

Those hoping to work as a hair braider in California, Colorado, or Washington can breathe easy, as those states also do not require a license.

On the other hand, some states are a bit more difficult, as they require full cosmetology licensing. Alaska, Hawaii, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming all fall into this category, along with Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, and New Mexico.

Florida, Minnesota, Oregon, and South Carolina require licensing but have less rigorous training requirements, with a maximum of one week's worth of instruction before allowing you to practice legally.

Hair braiding is an essential practice to many cultures, and it's encouraging to see states making efforts to allow these traditions to continue without unnecessary interference from cosmetology regulations. With this blog post, we hope to have informed natural hair stylists which states don't require a license to braid hair. If you plan to pursue braiding full time, we suggest that you check with your state's regulations to see what the proper move would be for you.

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